How can I add an entry to the Directory?
Each directory has its registration link attached with a + Button, where you could get a registration page by clicking on it. Follow the instruction on the page by filling each column and read/ accept the Terms & Conditions to complete the registration. The inputting Data responsibility is limited to the person who enroll to the portal. It will be automatically optimized by the our specially designed internal tool for the search availability to the public.
Can I change Plans or cancel at any time?
Cancelling and changing the plan has access limited to the web admin, will be done the changes through the special approval by QHSEDirectory.
How the portal searchs works?
We have individual search available with each QHSE Directory. The individual search is attached on top of every table. The search brings any content from table/ records.
Support Included?
Support will be provided by based on the plan you choose. The general supports will be accessed over the contact form at any time. Minimum of 24 Hrs/ according to the traffic the QHSEDirectory will respond to it.
Check the Knowledebase
Who are the Occupational Health and Safety professionals?
Majority of the population in the world is employed directly or indirectly. Every job produces certain hazards (Physical and mental) to an employee regardless of the industry, profession,position, place and nature of work. Occupational health and safety (OHS) professionals are the persons who have been authorized/ qualified through suitable and relevant institutions or governmental bodies to practice the profession related to occupational health and safety. They do provide occupational health and safety services according to the provision of relevant laws and regulations.
OHSprofessionals are the health and safety advisory Department to an organization. Occupational health and safety professionals help organizations to eliminate or minimize the hazards and protect its employees from being harmed by advising suitable and sufficient control measures. OHS professionals will help the organization to formulate suitable OHS management systems and implement in the organization to protect its people from being harmed. They do help the organizations to interpret legal OHS regulations and help companies to follow them.
Benefit of becoming an Occupational Health And Safety Professional (OHS)?
Do you want to serve humanity .Yes.Then this is one of the best professions for you. Do you want to be a person who wants to save the lives of people ? Yes. This is the best profession for you. Do you want to bring positive change in the workplaces ? Yes. This is the profession for you.
Occupational Health and safety profession is a noble profession where you help the organization to send their people home safely (Physical and mental) everyday. You join hands with the organizations and governmental bodies to advise them and help them to build suitable Occupational Health and safety Management systems for the organizations, educate and motivate people to work safely for them and for their families.
Occupational safety and health profession is a less explored area so there are plenty of rewarding career opportunities around the world. OHS professional’s aim is to ensure safety of workers and prevent illness and injuries in their organization. Preventing incidents and keeping workers safe can be a good deed for people who admire helping others.
What are the main roles of an Occupational health and safety professional in an organization ?
Every Industry and every Organization is different in its nature of activities due to several reasons. Every industry and organization will have a different health and safety organization structure and positions. However the common goal of the health and safety Department will be one, that is sending their employees home safely every day
The Occupational Health and Safety Department is the Department who shows right health and safety leadership in the organization.They influence/motivate people to work Safely. They will formulate a health and safety management system considering the nature of organizational activities and implement them and monitor its performance. They provide health and safety leadership training for its leadership team and train/education workers . They do help the organization to conduct suitable and sufficient risk assessments , help the organization to investigate work related incidents and provide necessary health and safety advice.
What are the Positions Occupational Health and Safety professionals can have in their career?
Occupational Health and safety professionals are placed in an organization in different positions based on the size and operations of the organization. Examples of such positions are Global health and safety leader, Global health and safety head, Vice President -HSE, Director -HSE, Group HSE Manager, Area HSE Manager, Corporate HSE Manager ,Head of HSE, HSE Analyst, Site HSE Manager, Project HSE Manager, Regional HSE Manager, HSE Assurance Manager, HSE Manager, HSE Coordinator, HSE Engineer, HSE Supervisor, HSE Advisor, HSE Administrator, HSE Inspector,HSE Officer.
There are other positions as well such as HSE consultant , HSE Specialist , HSE freelancer, HSE trainer, HSE coach, HSE Mentor, HSE Expert, HSE Leader, Safety Officer etc.
Roles and and responsibilities of each position will be different based on the position he/she is placed in the organization structure.
What are the industries Occupational health and safety professionals can be employed?
The fact is wherever people are employed occupational health and safety professionals are required based on the local regulations, nature of industry and risk of the operation. For example most of the construction industry demands 1:50 occupational health and safety professionals in most of the countries. Every industry brings risk to its workers so there should be part time or full time health and safety professionals required.